Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Overview of the Environmental Security Debate Essay

Overview of the Environmental Security Debate - Essay Example The essay "Overview of the Environmental Security Debate" talks about the improving the wellbeing of the environment by including the notion of environmental security to national security policies. The weakening significance of superpower conflict in the past decade has provided an impetus to the emergence of flexibility in the notions of national security. Previously constructed to a set of external military dangers, the concept nowadays frequently emphasizes the importance of concerns such as environmental protection, economic progress, and global sustainability. Environmental security is labeled as a relevant subject matter in international affairs and it is being exploited to define the motives of countries under an array of contexts. For instance, the Kyoto agreement which curtails global greenhouse gasses has been disputed and defended on the basis of its influence on America’s national security. Warren Christopher, the former Secretary of State, proclaimed in his 1996 speech at Stanford University the resolution of the Clinton administration â€Å"to put environmental issues where they belong: in the mainstream of American foreign policy†. Subsequently, President Clinton has branded environmental security as one of the many concerns that America will be confronting in the contemporary times. The fundamental concept of environmental security signifies an attempt to put more emphasis on the issues of environmental degradation through openly fastening them to previous military notions of security.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Classroom Observation Instruments Essay Example for Free

Classroom Observation Instruments Essay The following checklist it based off the Charlotte Danielson Framework. Teacher evaluations are based on four components or domains. Domain 1 is preparation and planning, domain 2 is classroom environment, domain 3 is instruction, and domain 4 is professional responsibility. When completing a classroom observation, only aspects of domain 2 and domain 3 are observable with a walk through. The following is an evaluation checklist of things a principal will look for while completing a classroom walk through. Sections marked with a (T) are teacher behaviors being observed, those marked with an (S) are student behaviors. Domain 2- Classroom Environment 1. Creating a classroom environment of respect and rapport (T) 2. Establishing a culture for learning (T) 3. Managing classroom procedures (T) 4. Management of student behavior (T) 5. Organizing physical space (T) 6. Work stations for group work (S) 7. Student desks are organized and material accessible (S) Additional notes on classroom environment: Domain 3 – Instruction 1. Communicating with students (T) 2. Use of questioning and discussion techniques (T) 3. Engaging students in learning (T) 4. Using assessment in instruction (T) 5. Demonstrate flexibility and responsiveness (T) 6. Whole class participation (S) 7. Student Engagement/on task behavior (S) 8. Confidence displayed in assessment (S) Additional notes on instruction: The above checklist is meant to be a guideline for principals to use during a walk through evaluation. Can you see the five aspects of each domain present in the classroom for teachers and the five for students? A simple yes or no will suffice. The above checklist is meant to be a guideline or springboard to complete next steps in the learning process. Those areas marked yes should be a cause for celebration. Evaluators and teachers can then discuss to what extent those aspects were present during the observation. In addition to the yes or no answers for each aspect of the two domains, an evaluator can write comments that fall within the domain descriptions as well. Are classroom procedures posted? That can be noted for classroom environment. What type of graphic organizer did the teacher use? That is part of an instructional strategy. The bottom part of the checklist allows the evaluator to add to the things he saw or did not see. This evaluation checklist should be copied and given directly to the teacher for reflection. That way the teacher has immediate feedback of what the principal observed in her classroom. This allows the educator to see what is being observed in her classroom and in her teaching. She can reflect on what aspects were not observed, adjust her teaching and include those aspects going forward. As much as it is a checklist for the evaluator, it can be used as a check-in for the teacher. If time allows, the principal should sit down and discuss the findings with the teacher, but time is not always available for this conference opportunity. This communication method would fall into a non-directive supervisory approach. Nondirective supervision involves the teacher being an essential part of the decision making process. While the teacher is reflecting and thinking through his actions for instructional improvement, the supervisor assists in this thinking and reflection process (Glickman Gordon, Ross-Gordon, 2008). This is shown through the principal giving feedback, but the teacher working out the next steps on her own. The positive aspect of this type of supervision includes the teacher feeling comfortable enough to ask their administrator for help when needed and feeling comfortable  enough to take risks in their classrooms (Rettig, Lampe, and Garcia, 2000). References Glickman, C.D., Gordon, S.P., Ross-Gordon, J.M. (2014). Supervision and instructional leadership: a developmental approach (9th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. Rettig, P.R., Lampe and Garcia, P. (2000). â€Å"Supervising Your Faculty with a Differentiated Model.† The Department Chair 11(2)

Friday, October 25, 2019

An Inaccurate Review of The Fall of the House of Usher Essay -- Fall H

An Inaccurate Review of The Fall of the House of Usher David A. Carpenter, in the form of an essay, addresses Edgar Allan Poe’s short story â€Å"The Fall of the House of Usher† by interpreting themes, meanings, style, and technique within the story. His essay review contains many quotes and direct references to both Poe and â€Å"The Fall of the House of Usher;† however, Carpenter’s analysis proves itself to be inaccurate. Carpenter repeatedly writes statements of which he claims are true, but then argues contrary points. His use of â€Å"evidence† is an extension of his self-negating arguments. Based on the inescapable presence of contradictions and â€Å"evidence† that does not support his opinion, Carpenter’s essay is an inaccurate review of â€Å"The Fall of the House of Usher.† In his essay, Carpenter writes contradictory statements and expounds upon them in the form of illogical examples and rationale. Within the first sentence of the â€Å"Themes and Meanings† section, Carpenter claims â€Å"The Fall of the House of Usher† is not a didactic story, but then follows to say that Poe communicates a â€Å"definite moral message† (Carpenter 1986). Clearly, the author of the article does not understand what qualifies a literary work to be didactic—one that contains issues of morality. He also states that the morality portrayed in Poe’s short story is an â€Å"operative universal morality that is ultimately as inescapable as the hereditary forces which determine a person’s life† (Carpenter 1986). Carpenter’s attempt to clarify his idea of the morality fails when he relates it to hereditary forces, which, in this modern age, have little impact on determining one’s life, and are certainly not i nescapable. His logic is presumed an... ... logical events, such as Madeline escaping the coffin she was nailed inside of, despite Carpenter’s previous statements that the story, because of the effect created by the writer, was successful and would not, in general, leave a reader questioning legitimacy. Overall, Carpenter’s article leaves much to be desired. At first glance, sentences are confusing and ideas are hazy. As an author, Carpenter is not convincing of his essay’s general arguments because his statements are assumptions and are not backed up by clear evidence. Contradictions in both his arguments and elaboration reveal Carpenter’s essay addressing â€Å"The Fall of the House of Usher† to be illegitimate and inaccurate. Works Cited Carpenter, David A. Essay review. MagillOnLiterature Database [series online] 1986 9240000421. Accessed 2002 November 4. 2350 Marlow 12.37 - 1 -

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Motivational Factor

Motivation is a process in which the individual’s attention and interests are aroused and directed towards definite goals. One’s attention and interest can be evoked to the extent that the person’s needs, May it be basic or acquired are the ones involved (Bustos, 1996). Learning is a process inferred from relatively stable changes in behavior that result through practice or interaction with and adaptation to the environment (Goodwin and Klausmeier, 1975; 1978). It is the modification of organism’s behavior as a result of maturation and environmental experiences (Garrison and Magoon, 1975). It has been said that the most effective learning takes place when there is a maximum mental activity on the part of the learner. This mental activity can be best achieved through strong motivation thus motivation is basic to learning. A motivational factor varies according to age, needs, attitudes, intelligence, training and experience. An individual may respond to a particular stimulus due to some changes in his/her environment or something unusual is noticed. These factors that catch the attention of the learner can be utilized by the teacher in order to motivate learning. Since motivational factors varies, the   teacher should take into consideration then the nature of the child, past experiences, the environment, the needs and wants, as well as the individual differences. For instance if you are teaching 3rd graders the teacher should look into their developmental tasks so he/she (the teacher) would be able to associate his/her activities to the subject matter which the students attention are evoked. An intrinsic motivation are internal desires to perform a particular task, people do certain activities because it gives them pleasure, develops a particular skill, or it’s morally the right thing to do. However extrinsic motivations are external factors that are not related to the task they are performing. The more attached the person to the task he/she is performing the eager he/she does the work for the sense of fulfillment while people who are awarded with external things in order to perform a particular task (Deci and Ryan, 1985) would not be able to appreciate the job he/she performed but more likely to be bribed and would not feel fulfilled with his performance but rather with the thing he/she got because of it. Teacher’s especially teaching children who are still in their formation years should be very careful as to how they deal with their students. Intrinsic motivation should likely be done in order for them to grow as responsible human beings who will do good things without bribing them of anything just to provoke them in doing a particular stuff. On the other hand, parents as well must do the same thing at home since discipline starts at home. Activities at school must possess more on the affective domain of the learner and the rest follows. Motivation at this early stage on the development of the child lies more on his/her environment. The very concern of the teacher now is the knowledge and application of motivation and its sustainability. A lesson plan without a motivation is considered as incomplete. A teacher carries out the potentialities of the students with the motivation he/she has in store and so therefore he/she should be very well oriented with the factor that affects motivation to motivate his/her learners effectively. References: Bustos, Alicia S.Ed.D and Espiritu, Socoro PhD. (1996). Anthrpological, and Sociological Foundations of Education.   Quezon City, Philippines. KATHA Publishing Inc. Deci   and Ryan.1985.Intrinsic Motivation. ChangingMinds.Org.         

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Tata Travel Trailer

The purchase budget and cash budget are lot simpler, since the amount related to production Is the same every month. The budgets assuming stable production benefit the production department, the purchase department, and the human resource department. It helps all these departments easily manage all kinds of resources and activities on a stable level. Disadvantage of preparing master budgets assuming stable productions: 1. If sales are seasonal, stable productions may cause inventory under stock during the best sales season and may cause inventory overstock during the poor sales season.It would Increase the Inventory and additional finance needed. Data should plan the production budgets based on sales forecast. In order to encourage the manager's to work as a team, Tat's bonus system could set an overall goal, for example, the net Income. The bonus will be earned 10% If overall goal Is reached. Second, Data should prepare flexible budgets to estimate total cost for the different level s of satellites. For example, to access purchase budget performance, compare the actual purchase with the budget recess on ten same production level.It could Aviva punishing ten purchase manger in order to keeping the amount of raw material on hand policy set by production manager. Using flexible purchase budget holds responsibility for variances only under purchase manager's control and truly reflect the efficiency and actual performance. Third, other measurement should be in a place in order to attain the organization's overall performance. For sales manager, the percentage of retiree customers in total sales is used to measure the continuing sales growth for Data.For production manager, the warranty expense and customer's complaints for poor quality can be used to measure how well Tat's products meet the market expectation. For the purchase manager, handling material in time can be used to measure to ensure Tat's production is under schedule. Also the Just-in-time vendor contract can be used to measure the performance of purchase manager, since it would lower the material cost. For finance manager, loan management can be used to measure the performance, since Tat's uneven sale, managing cash inflow and outflow are important for Data to meet payments due.