Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Mental Health Among College Students Essay - 1724 Words

Mental health among college students has been proven to be a relevant social issue that our society faces. There are certainly a few different institutions that play a large role within the development of this social issue. The first institution, and the primary institution at play with this issue, is the higher education system. In terms of mental health and having access to resources, college students haven’t always been as lucky as they are today. One study in 2007 explains the story of Junior at Syracuse University (Kravets, 3081). Anita Rutman had a history of mental health issues; she even found herself being admitted to a mental health hospital. One morning in February, she threw herself off of the eighth floor of Boland Hall and landed on a patio and fortunately lived. However, her attempt stemmed from the university sending her letter three days prior that informed Anita that the school was planning to dismiss her because of her suicidal tendencies (Kravets, 3081). An ita later sued Syracuse for ten million dollars for malpractice and negligence in handling her condition. Situations like Anita’s could be considered as part of the reason why the mental health of college students has become so prevalent. This research was conducted in 2007 and currently in 2016, 9 years later, there is a different out look on this issue as a whole, but it clearly wasn’t always like it was today. Kravets’ research states that, â€Å"policies ranges from voluntary counseling programs thatShow MoreRelatedMental Health Among College Students1869 Words   |  8 PagesMental Health Among College Students By Valerie Etta The up rise in mental health illness amongst college students has become a growing public health concern nationwide (Byrd 2012, McKinney 2012). Rising incidents have led to increased rates of suicide, depression and a variety of mental health illnesses which vary in complexity, severity and prevalence within many U.S college campuses (Arria 2012). 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