Sunday, April 5, 2020

How to Write Plagiarism-Free Academic Assignments

How to Write Plagiarism-Free Academic Assignments What is Plagiarism? Plagiarism is the enemy of originality. This is no more apparent than when writing academic assignments. The abundance of readily-available academic resources and sample assignments at the touch of a button has prompted a generation of academics to, at best, take a sloppy approach to their research process, and at best simply hit copy and paste before submitting their work. Taking credit for someone else's work is, in its most basic form, cheating. Those that blatantly copy someone else's work are only cheating themselves out of the valuable learning process. However, with original concepts becoming increasingly difficult to discover, and the abundance of readily-available information online, how do you write plagiarism-free academic assignments? Plan your Assignment As with any successful project one of the core ingredients is the planning process. Before undertaking the assignment it's important that you know and streamline all the points that you wish to cover. Research and identify all relevant information, and understand what you want to discuss. Planning is, arguably, the most important aspect of the entire process. An assignment without sufficient planning will become convoluted. Research all References Make sure that you comprehensively research all the references that you intend to use. Appropriate research will back up your argument. Those that haven't invested sufficient time researching and understanding their subject matter will, inevitably, write an ambiguous and unfocused assignment. Use multiple sources for any research. This will avoid both repetition and plagiarism. Make Use of Plagiarism Detectors There are a number of useful plagiarism detectors online. These websites are very useful, analysing your work and identifying passages that have been directly copied from online sources. It's not uncommon to include writings and studies from other people, however, these should be appropriately acknowledged and identified as such. There is a wealth of plagiarism tools available, if you don't want to get caught in the act then make use of them. Get Help from Professional Assignment Writers Professional assignment writers can assist you with any work you may be struggling with. They are extremely well versed in writing copy that is 100% plagiarism free. By following these five tips you can ensure that all of your work is submitted without suffering from plagiarism, whether intentional or not.

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