Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Role of Women in Ancient Mesopotamia Essay Example

Role of Women in Ancient Mesopotamia Essay Example Role of Women in Ancient Mesopotamia Paper Role of Women in Ancient Mesopotamia Paper From Suffering to Suffrage As Mary Wollstonecraft once said, â€Å"I do not wish them to have power over men, but over themselves. † In this quote, â€Å"themselves† is referred to as women of course. It is somewhat customary to pick up a paper in today’s light and perhaps see read about Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, or First Lady, Michelle Obama, even media specialist, Oprah Winfrey. The list could go on and on, but the point remains the same. If King Hammurabi of Babylon were living in today’s world and saw how dramatic the power of women has transformed over the years, he would perhaps declare himself Queen of Babylon. Kevin Reilly accurately depicts the struggling role of women from this early period of civilization through Assyrian law, a palace decree, and Hammurabi’s Code. The first text that is mentioned by Reilly, is that titled, Assyrian law. These codes tell us many things about the role of women in early civilization. The following code comes from two official documents that were from an empire based in Mesopotamia as far back as 1,100 B. C. E. The Assyrian law which will be discussed first, gives knowledgeable understanding of the attitudes of the men towards the women in that time period. The Assyrian law introduces many different concepts relating to the role of women during this early civilization. The first concept considers the daily attire of a woman upon presenting herself in public. â€Å"Wives of a man, or [widows], or any [Assyrian] women who go out into the main thoroughfare [shall not have] their heads [bare]† (Reilly 34). This Assyrian law calls for the wearing of a veil, when seen in public. Although in the United States you would be hard pressed to find a female wearing a veil, it is not uncommon to travel out to the Middle East and witness this occurrence. This rule applied to not only the wives of the husband but any existing daughters that wish to go out into the main. The status changes quite a bit when describing the role of an unmarried woman. It was said that any unmarried woman was to leave her entire head bare when walking out into public. A prostitute as well must be bare while addressing the public. The Assyrian law had a way of putting the prostitutes, and unmarried women below the status of married women, and then married women also found themselves on an entire level below men. There were evere consequences to any prostitute who decided to wear a veil. â€Å"They shall not take away her jewelry, but he who has seized her takes her clothing; they shall strike her 50 blows with rods; they shall pour hot pitch over her head. † (Reilly 34). This quote is very powerful in the way that these acts which occurred often back then, would not be anywhere near tolerated today. The physical pain that the female would endure in t his process, not to mention the embarrassment of being stripped of all clothing leaving only jewelry, would be more than enough to relegate the role of the female. Perhaps the most disturbing part of the Assyrian code involves the tormenting of a slave that chose to wear a veil in public. The slave would be brought to the palace and stripped naked only to have her ears cut off. This is an extreme punishment that is unheard of in today’s terms. These punishments do serve a purpose however, in showing how the role of women in early civilizations was nearly absent. A palace decree was issued by the king of Assyria, Tiglath-Pileser. This decree mentioned the harsh punishments that would take place to man if he entered the palace without first being castrated. If an official knows a man is not castrated who enters the palace, then both the man and the official are subject to harsh punishment as well. â€Å".. they shall amputate one foot of each of these officials. † (Reilly 34). The interesting part about the palace decree would be how it fails to mention the role of the woman of the early civilization; it fails to even notice she existed. The woman was treated so unfavorably that it was not even a thought of whether or not she could gain entry into such a prestigious palace. The palace decree shows how the role of a woman from this era was basically absent and not in effect. In the latter part of Reilly’s text there is another code that shows the role of women in early civilization. Hammurabi’s code is a text that gives us an idea of people’s sense of justice and proper punishment. The concepts discussed in Hammurabi’s code include family, marriage, economics and contracts. From the family and marriage passage it was said that if a woman is wayward or unruly in an attempt to declare herself free from any marital relations with the husband she would receive harsh punishment. â€Å"†¦they shall cast that woman into the water. † (Reilly 60) This is a severe punishment and shows how limited a woman’s role was during the early civilization. In today’s world there would never be any punishment for a woman refusing to marry a man. Today, the role of a woman has drastically changed from being almost suppressed to more of an imperative role. In the economics and contracts portion of Hammurabi’s code it was said that a daughter or wife could be put up for debt services for up to three years. â€Å"†¦they shall perform service in the house of their buyer of the one who holds them in debt service for three years. † (Reilly 60). This slave like description of Hammurabi’s code is something that is not existent and has not been existent ever since the abolition of slavery. Back in the early era it was permissible to allow another buyer to acquire the services of a wife or daughter if there was an outstanding obligation that needed to be fulfilled. Times have changed dramatically for the better for the role of women, and if Hammurabi’s code was still in effect today it would be hard for people to take it seriously. Kevin Reilly did a remarkable job in using various texts to help illustrate the limited role of women back in the early civilization. The Assyrian law and Hammurabi’s code especially contributed the most to help portray the way that women were treated and thought of back during this early era. Women could not be trusted and were always placed on a level below that of a man. Today things are different and women have become a powerful force that lead different political and social sectors in the country. It is safe to say that the role of women has changed and has changed for the better for women. Instead of women not having power over anything including themselves as seen in the early civilization, they now have a well developed role in society and an immense power over themselves.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

3 Cases of Semicolon Overkill

3 Cases of Semicolon Overkill 3 Cases of Semicolon Overkill 3 Cases of Semicolon Overkill By Mark Nichol Semicolons serve a useful function in helping distinguish between elements of complex sentences, but lengthy sentences with long phrases do not necessarily require the support semicolons provide. These three sentences demonstrate unnecessary application of the semicolon as a comma on steroids. 1. Electrical shock may cause serious burns; injuries to internal organs, such as your heart; and even death. Semicolons should generally be employed as strong commas when elements of a list themselves include lists or otherwise include commas of their own. Here, however, the sentence construction is clear and simple; â€Å"such as your heart† is obviously part of the list element pertaining to injuries to internal organs (and doesn’t necessarily need to be set off from the rest of the phrase anyway): â€Å"Electrical shock may cause serious burns, injuries to internal organs, such as your heart, and even death.† 2. Examples of enhancements might include reporting on the status of critical enterprise risks; changes in key external variables impacting the validity of the organization’s strategic assumptions; significant emerging risks; the capabilities for managing other important business risks; and the status of initiatives to improve capabilities. The elements of this list are wordy but not complex, so â€Å"supercomma† semicolons are an excessive measure: â€Å"Examples of enhancements might include reporting on the status of critical enterprise risks, changes in key external variables impacting the validity of the organization’s strategic assumptions, significant emerging risks, the capabilities for managing other important business risks, and the status of initiatives to improve capabilities.† 3. The basketball star’s legendary moves- aerial assaults; triple-clutch reverse layups; facials on seven-footers; one-handed rebounds or ball fakes; opposing shots stolen from the sky; big-game buzzer beaters at any time- couldn’t be replicated. As in the previous example, the use of semicolons in this sentence is overkill: â€Å"The basketball star’s legendary moves- aerial assaults, triple-clutch reverse layups, facials on seven-footers, one-handed rebounds or ball fakes, opposing shots stolen from the sky, big-game buzzer beaters at any time- couldn’t be replicated.† Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Punctuation category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Creative Writing 10150 Idioms About Meat and Dairy ProductsHow to Punctuate Introductory Phrases

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Familial Genetic Testing Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Familial Genetic Testing Assignment - Essay Example Genetic and environmental factors are responsible for occurrence of type 1 diabetes. Even though the exact causes are not yet known, many factors that relates to biological body structure or to a person’s external environment have been associated with risks of type 1 diabetes. Genetic factors to type 1 diabetes relates to HLA genes in the body. The genes form complexes among themselves and help the body’s immune system to distinguish between body’s proteins and foreign proteins to the body. The immune system then destroys foreign proteins. Certain complexes of these genes however fail to distinguish the proteins and leads to destruction of insulin. The percentage of type 1 diabetes incidences that result from the genetic factor is however low because only five percent of people with the gene complexes suffers from the complication (Genetic Home Reference 1). Probability of suffering from the complication, based on genes also supports the theory of genetic cause. This is because a person whose close relative suffers from type 1 diabetes has a six percent chance of being a victim while a person who does not have a close relative suffering from the complication has as low as 0.05 percent of being a victim (National Health Services 1). Other factors such as â€Å"viral infections, nutritional exposures, perinatal factors, childhood growth† among other environmental factors have been associated with the disease as moderators (Eisenbarth 267). Major symptoms of the type 1 diabetes are a feeling of itchiness around genital areas, impaired vision, muscle pain, and skin infection. Based on the role of genes and environmental factors, genetic factors account for a significant percentage of the symptoms than environmental factors. This is because of the secondary scope of environmental factors to the symptoms. Urine test and blood test exist for confirming diagnosis based on observed symptoms. There is no curative treatment for type

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The tattooed soldier Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The tattooed soldier - Essay Example Antonio and Elena are forced to flee to rural San Cristobal. But even there the dormant revolutionary zeal makes her take up the issue for the lethal practices of the local sanitation company. In retaliation, one ill-fated day, she and her young son are shot dead. Earlier they had thought of going to Mexico. Hector Tobar writes, "Perhaps they could move to Mexico. Save enough money to move to Mexico or the United States. A place where they could be safe, and their daughter or son could be educated. A place where you could speak your mind and there were no soldiers on the street." (p.118) After the death of Elena and his son, sensing danger to his life, Antonio flees to Los Angeles. Once in Los Angeles, he finds life much more difficult and risky. He cannot forget Elena and suffers from intense love pangs. The novel begins with the scene of his landlord giving him final notice of eviction and Antonio is busy packing up his meager belongings. In the process of packing, he is overwhelmed to see a photograph. What is his reaction, when he sees it? Hector Tobar writes, â€Å"He discovered a forgotten photograph of his wife and son, taken years ago in Quetzaltenango against a painted backdrop of fanciful lakes and volcanoes. Of all things. He raised the photograph to his lips and tried to fight off the rush of memories that began to gather and rumble like thunder behind his eyes. This picture is the sadness of me, the tragedy of me. (p.7)In Los Angles, he expected a better life.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Teen Pregnancy Essay Example for Free

Teen Pregnancy Essay Media does not give a realistic image of Teen Pregnancy In the United States, teenage pregnancy has become a common occurrence with three out of ten girls getting pregnant before the age of twenty (Dooley). Most young teenagers feel as if conception will never come from their scandalous deeds but, in fact, it happens more often than what they think. The increasing media coverage on television programming, such as 16 and Pregnant and the movie, Juno, is showing the young adolescents, it is okay to be pregnant. The series 16 and Pregnant and the movie Juno, are both based upon teenagers getting pregnant and going through the television reality of having a child. Both the television show and move are examples of the Medias image of teen pregnancy. Some individuals believe that these shows and movies are not a realistic image of pregnancy. Television Media is not showing the real emotional aspects of putting a baby up for adoption, they are not showing the struggles a single mother actually goes through and they are portraying baby bumps as if they were fashion accessory. In the television series 16 and Pregnant, one of the teenagers decides to give their baby up for adoption. In the series, the media doesn’t provide the viewers with a twenty-four-seven base image, of her going through each of the steps, to give up the baby. What they show is different clips of the teenager, which provide some of her experience. People believe that this show, 16 and Pregnant, has given young teenagers who are sexually active and are not using protection, a good reality check. That is not what they are doing though, what they are doing is showing it is okay to just give up their child as a way out, showing it is easy to just give up their child and live happily ever after. Even in the movie Juno, the main star becomes pregnant and at first wants to do an abortion but then quickly changes her mind and decides to give the baby up for adoption, when being in the abortion clinic was more like being in a tattoo parlor. The teenage girl, in the movie, looks in a newspaper and finds a random family, with no emotions at all; and decides that is the family her baby is going to. â€Å"You realize it [Juno] is just a superior romantic comedy that bears no relationship to reality† (Horin). Giving up a baby for adoption is a lot harder than it has been shown on television. My friend went through giving her daughter up for adoption; she was also a teen mother. Not once did her experience look anything like the show 16 and Pregnant or the movie Juno, that is because, her experience was reality. During her pregnancy, she had a hard time juggling school and going to and from Dr Appointments. My friend’s family wasn’t supportive of her decisions, like the families on television. She was actually in the pregnancy alone, the father of the baby was not there for moral support, nor was her family there. She had to provide DNA testing to find the father of the baby to make sure he would sign off all rights to her daughter, and then she had to pick out a family that the adoption clinic provided. Adoption is an all out emotional experience, not once does a young individual feel no emotions, to such a enormous life changing decision. Once the decision is decided and the paper work is complete, there is no going back. Another reason that television media doesn’t show a realistic image of teen pregnancy is because they mislead what a single mother is. When a young individual is still in high school and they get pregnant there is no guarantee that they will still be allowed to attend the high school they are currently going to. As a single parent, they will need to have a high school diploma, that way they can get a career, to be able to support a child alone. Now a day, even with no college education it is simply hard to find a good job. As a single parent there is no proof that their child’s father or child’s mother will play the role they are supposed to. In my personal situation I got pregnant at the age of 18 and I had my daughter when I was 19 years old; I didn’t get my GED until I was 20 years old. As a single mother it is the hardest job I believe I will have to face. When I was pregnant I watched the movie Juno and the show 16 and Pregnant, I thought being a parent was going to be easy. When my daughter was 4months, her father took himself out of our lives. I do not have any information on his whereabouts. I filed child support, believing that he would have to pay, I was wrong. Being a single mother isn’t as easy as it is described on television. Where a single mother files child support and two weeks later they are receiving payments from the father. I have been fighting with child support for over a year to get my child’s father to pay child support. Every situation is not going to be like reality television where everything works out perfectly and everyone lives happily ever after. There is going to be hard times about relationships, money, and family issues. Life, they [teens] need to know, is no Hollywood movie (Horin). Baby bumps have become a huge trend in fashion news. When attending a store and standing in the checkout line, individuals usually see magazines like, â€Å"OK! † and â€Å"People,† gossiping about who is pregnant and about their baby bump. Media provides an image of pregnancy as a fashion accessory because they constantly talk about who is pregnant and how beautiful they are with a baby bump. When young adolescents see the media image of pregnancy they believe that being pregnant is just a way to become beautiful and famous. For example, the television series, 16 and Pregnant gives young adolescent the image of baby bumps being a fashion accessory. The television series 16 and pregnant is about six pregnant teenagers who go through every day struggles, during pregnancy and even after they have had the baby. This show is supposed to make young adolescents become more aware of what they will have to go through if they become pregnant. Little does the media know, the image that a young individual gets is, they can become pregnant and become famous. Jill Palomo explained in an article: â€Å"I have witnessed adolescent girls saying statements like â€Å"If only I was pregnant, I could be famous† or â€Å"MTV doesnt make having a baby as a teenager look too hard. † It is sad that instead of the initial goal, being to show teenagers the harsh reality of pregnancy, it has now turned glamorous. † Despite how anyone feels on the concern, teen pregnancy has multiple consequences that the television media does not portray. Adoption is an answer to get their way out of not raising a child but doesn’t mean they will be emotionally okay with their decision the rest of their life. Even if a teenager decides they are going to keep the baby, there is no guarantee the father or family will be there to help raise that child and they will then have to learn to be a single mother. A young individual should not get pregnant just because it is a fashion trend with the media. I wouldn’t be the one to believe that television is a great way to get an image of the experience of being a parent. I have watched the television shows and movies about teen pregnancies, I am convinced they have everything handed them, and the meida puts off that it is okay to be a teenage mom. My knowledge comes from the real life version of being a young single mother.

Friday, November 15, 2019

How Psychoanalysis Changed Society with Consumerism and Public Relation

Works Cited Psychoanalysis Psychoanalysis and Edward Bernays theories that were derived by Sigmund Freud, changed society Through psychoanalysis and Edward Bernays public Relations, our modern society is a product of both theories. Back in the beginning of the 20th century there was no such thing as an American consumer. Before psychoanalysis and Edward Bernays applying Freud’s theories with propaganda all that exist was the American owner and the American worker. A creditable source states that â€Å"The rise of consumerism in the United States is also linked to the birth of Public Relations. At the time of 1915 the so-called father of modern Public Relations.† (Craig Willis) Sigmund Freud had devised a method he called â€Å"psychoanalysis†, by analyzing dreams with free association he discovered powerful sexual and aggressive forces which were the remnants of our animal past, feeling we repressed because they were too dangerous. (Sigmund Freud) In 1914 the Austrian Hungarian war Empire lead Europe into the war (, as the horror mounted Freud saw it as terrible overwhelming evidences of the truth of his findings. This is exactly the way Freud should have expected people to behave from his studies in psychoanalysis. Freud under estimated the unconscious mind state of our powerful sexual and aggressive forces. â€Å"But as time went on Jung and Freud differed in ideals and in 1914 they terminated their correspondence. In that same year World War 2 broke out and brought the movement of psychoanalysis to a halt. The years after the war were seminal ones for psychoanalysis.† ( Governments had unleashed the primitive forces in human beings and no one seems to know how to stop them. At th... ... frenzy mob which had the power to destroy even Government. After reviewing everything on the unconscious mind and the modern society today with consumerism in a way it states that one of the guidelines principles of democracy was wrong, the belief of human’s beings can be trusted to make decisions on a rational basis. The leading political writer Walter Lippmann said the herd of citizens must be governed by â€Å"a specialized class whose interests reach beyond the locality."(The Phantom Public - 1925) In conclusion what was beginning to emerge in the early 20th century was a new idea of how to run mass democracy. At its heart was the consuming self which not only made the economy work but was happy and throughout stabled and so created a stable society, so through psychoanalysis and public relations of Edward Bernays our modern society is a product of both theories.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Chip and Bins Case

The project is not fully-developed: Because the project is not well-prepared which leads to more problems when it was carried out in Southeast Norfolk like : Technical Failure, Lack of knowledge†¦ 2/ Examine the problem Definitions: After discussing the above definitions, we decided to classify the problems as below: We think that the cause of all troubles is because the project was not well- planned. 3/ Here is our alternative solutions for the problems: Solutions Time Money Practicability Hold a workshop about the benefit of this project x Find out alternative technologyCreate a competition for household in which house have least waste they will win and get reward X Conducting a survey on the residents' opinion and collecting their suggestions for the problem. X Enforcing fly-tipping legislation, prosecuting those dumping rubbish. X Reward for households that have the least waste. Reward for denouncing fly-it peers. Reducing a reasonable amount of council tax for the residents Postpone the project for at least 6 months. Showing people the negative effect on their lives if they don't recycle. X using some celebrity endorsement/ambassador.David Beckman, Adele†¦ ) X FREE Establish a technical team that can fix the system 24/7. 4/ Finally, we decide to choose these solutions: Establish a research on Southeast Norfolk District. This solutions will help us understand more about the people, what do they want from the project, what do they misunderstand about the project. Showing people the negative effect on their lives if they don't recycle. This solution will take a direct impact on people's kindness when they realize what they've done to the environment around them. Using some celebrity endorsement.They will act as Environment Ambassador to help promote the project, usually they will do it for free because this is also a good chance to promote their images. Hold a workshop about the benefit of this project. After TA king research, we will organized a wo rkshop to deliver the message to the people about the project, the environment to make them understand the true purpose of the project. Reward for households that have the least waste. It will encourage people to be more active, competitiveness is something that everybody has so they will be more happy to join the project.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Machiavelli’s The Prince

Niccolo Machiavelli was an Italian historian, statesman and a political philospher. He was born on May 3, 1469 in Florence. He first entered the government service as a clerk and became prominent in 1498 when Florentine was proclaimed as a Republic. (Kemerling, 2006) Machiavelli was engaged into differen diplomatic missions and because of these missions, he met a lot of Italian rulers and studied their political tactics. After a long time of public service, the republic collapsed and he was driven from his post. It was in 1513 when he wrote â€Å"The Prince†, hoping that he can secure the favor the Medici family, thye ruling family in Florence that time. He addresed this to an Italian prince which is from the Medici family. (Encarta, 2007) The Prince is concerned with different principles that founded a state, hence, he described the method on how a prince can acquire and maintain his political power. He also stated in this book his belief that a ruler should not be bound by traditional ethical norms. (Kemerling, 2006) During the Renaissance, there were new attitudes toward politics that accompanies the new forms of political organizations. Huamnists stated that progress of a place should be natural and no-religious. Machiavelli's The Prince tried to find a base for the art of governance not depending on Christian principles but on science. In 16th century, he focused more on how to preserve a state and these ideas were refrlected in The prince and became part of the political environment. This new political perspective appeared not only in Italy but also in the monarchies of the North and were introduced in different writings. Although it was not universally accepted, it was recognized during Renaissance and changed the political thinking. (Encarta, 2007) References â€Å"Niccolo Machiavelli†. retrieved April 28, 2008. http:/ â€Å"Niccolo Machiavelli†.(2007). retrieved April 28, 2008. Microsoft Encarta Online Encyclopedia 2007. Machiavelli’s The Prince Niccolo Machiavelli was an Italian historian, statesman and a political philospher. He was born on May 3, 1469 in Florence. He first entered the government service as a clerk and became prominent in 1498 when Florentine was proclaimed as a Republic. (Kemerling, 2006) Machiavelli was engaged into differen diplomatic missions and because of these missions, he met a lot of Italian rulers and studied their political tactics. After a long time of public service, the republic collapsed and he was driven from his post. It was in 1513 when he wrote â€Å"The Prince†, hoping that he can secure the favor the Medici family, thye ruling family in Florence that time. He addresed this to an Italian prince which is from the Medici family. (Encarta, 2007) The Prince is concerned with different principles that founded a state, hence, he described the method on how a prince can acquire and maintain his political power. He also stated in this book his belief that a ruler should not be bound by traditional ethical norms. (Kemerling, 2006) During the Renaissance, there were new attitudes toward politics that accompanies the new forms of political organizations. Huamnists stated that progress of a place should be natural and no-religious. Machiavelli's The Prince tried to find a base for the art of governance not depending on Christian principles but on science. In 16th century, he focused more on how to preserve a state and these ideas were refrlected in The prince and became part of the political environment. This new political perspective appeared not only in Italy but also in the monarchies of the North and were introduced in different writings. Although it was not universally accepted, it was recognized during Renaissance and changed the political thinking. (Encarta, 2007)

Friday, November 8, 2019

How Dogs are Helping Cheetahs

How Dogs are Helping Cheetahs Dogs have long been considered mans best friend, but their characteristics of loyalty and protectiveness have also earned them the lesser known title of cheetahs best friend. Thats right; dogs are being used more and more frequently to assist in conservation efforts to preserve the endangered cheetah both in captivity and in the wild. Dogs at the Zoo Since the 1980s, the San Diego Zoo Safari Park has assigned companion dogs to cheetahs that are involved in the zoos captive breeding program. Janet Rose-Hinostroza, animal training supervisor at the Park, explains: A dominant dog is very helpful because cheetahs are quite shy instinctively, and you cant breed that out of them. When you pair them, the cheetah looks to the dog for cues and learns to model their behavior. Its about getting them to read that calm, happy-go-lucky vibe from the dog. The primary goal of comforting cheetahs through this unusual partnership is to make them at ease in their captive environment so that they will be able to breed with other cheetahs. Shyness and anxiety dont bode well for a breeding program, so the inter-species friendships that the cheetahs are able to form with dogs can actually benefit the long-term survival of this rare cat. The dogs enlisted by the Park are typically rescued from shelters, giving these homeless canines a new purpose in life. My favorite dog is Hopper because we found him at a kill shelter and hes just 40 pounds, but he lives with Amara, whos our toughest cheetah by far. Its not about strength or overpowering. Its about developing a positive relationship where the cheetah takes her cues from the dog. Cheetah cubs are paired with canine companions at about 3 or 4 months of age. They first meet on opposite sides of a fence with a keeper walking the dog on a leash. If all goes well, the two animals are able to meet for their first play date, although both are kept on leashes initially for safety. Were very protective of our cheetahs, so the introduction is a painfully slow process but a lot of fun. There are lots of toys and distractions, and theyre like two cute little kids who desperately want to play. But cheetahs are instinctively hardwired to feel uneasy so you have to wait and let the cat make the first move. Once the cheetah and dog establish a bond and prove to play well without leashes, they are moved into a shared living space where they spend almost every moment together, except feeding time, when the zoos dogs get to gather, play, and eat together. The dog is the dominant in the relationship, so if we didnt separate them, the dog would eat all the cheetahs food and wed have a really skinny cheetah and a really chubby dog. Among the zoos crew of companion mutts is one purebred Anatolian shepherd known as Yeti. Yeti was recruited to help cheetahs and also to act as a sort of mascot, representing her cousins in Africa who have revolutionized predator management and saved many cheetahs from being killed in defense of livestock. Dogs in the Wild The Cheetah Conservation Funds Livestock Guarding Dog Program is a successful, innovative program that has been helping to save wild cheetahs in Namibia since 1994. While Anatolian shepherds in Namibia do not work in cooperation with cheetahs, they still contribute to the wild cats survival. Before the dogs were employed as conservation tools, cheetahs were shot and trapped by ranchers who were trying to protect their goat herds. Dr. Laurie Marker, founder of the Cheetah Conservation Fund, began training Anatolian shepherds to protect the herds as a non-lethal predator management strategy, and since then, wild cheetah populations have been on the rise.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Is It Essential to Write Essay on Economics

Is It Essential to Write Essay on Economics How to Write an Economics Essay Tyler Cowen, a famous American economist, once said that economics is everywhere, and understanding economics can help you make better decisions and lead a happier life. Economics is a compulsory subject at most schools and colleges. It helps students understand the whole range of economic issues, their consequences, and possible solutions. Economics affects everyone, no matter who you are or who you are going to become. That`s why teachers do their best to make you interested in learning more about this interesting subject. Writing an economics essay is a great opportunity for you to provide a solution to the certain economic problem, give your opinion on some economic aspects and show your economic skills. That`s how you do it in the best way. Just Keep Calm and Get Prepared for the Process Of course, you might feel confused if your professor or teacher is asking you to write on monopoly and how the existence of a single dominant supplier for a commodity affects the marketplace and consumer demand theory. It sounds difficult, doesn`t it? But everything will change dramatically if you just read and analyze your question thoughtfully. The next step is to access resources and do some preliminary research. Determine what kinds of sources you need and get a sense for how much information is out there on your topic. Make a good set of notes while reading. It will help you write an essay that is full of relevant material. Then you should create a strong thesis statement that articulates the unifying theme of your essay. It should provoke an analysis, describe an idea or present an opinion. A thesis statement will keep your paper organized. You will definitely lose your reader if you meander through disconnected thoughts. Just write down the main ideas of your essay and combine them into several sentences. Arrange all your notes into a logical order to give your essay a proper structure. Every part of your writing should have a distinct purpose. Outline what exactly should be covered in each section of your essay. Remember that your plan should be elaborate. Take your word limit into account. Give equal attention to each part of your essay by breaking down the total word limit and assigning a general word limit to each section. Take the Next Step – Writing First of all, write the most important paragraph in your essay – introduction. Give your readers clear signposts for what they will be reading in your essay. Introduce the topic, give background information and let your readers know the focus of your paper. Write the building blocks of your essay – main paragraphs. Use sources and factual details that you have discovered during your research in order to give your arguments strength and weight. There is a golden rule – 1 idea= 1 paragraph. Each paragraph should have a topic sentence and supporting sentences with the evidence. Pull all your points together in the conclusion. A good technique is to restate your thesis statement in different words. Make readers sure that all your claims have been fully substantiated and developed. In no case, add any new material here. Final Step – Editing and Proofreading Check the content of your economics essay to ensure that all ideas are expressed logically and clearly. Make sure that your paper is targeted towards your specific audience, has an appropriate tone, and is consistent and coherent. Spot and correct errors in style, format, use of language, punctuation, grammar, typography, and spelling. It is very important to read your essay word by word in order not to miss anything. Still Find It Difficult to Write on Economics? There are no desperate situations. If your topic is too difficult for you or you just can`t organize your brilliant ideas, you can ask for professional help. Look through different essay service reviews and choose which one suits your needs best.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

The right of abode in Hong Kong Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The right of abode in Hong Kong - Essay Example The government ought to review the population policies, with picky references to mainland mothers birthing in Hong Kong city. Many lawmakers would say that these babies born here not only strain obstetric services for local parents, but also put pressures on healthcare, education, welfare, and housing services in the city. The government should consider responding that the question of children born of parents of both non-Hong Kong lasting residents can be viewed positively as they may turn into new blood of the aging population. The government should review the population policies suiting for long-term growth. The government should question if children mothered by nonlocal parents could actually relieve the aging population question. Again the Hong Kong SAR government should strive for the authorities to vet the daily ration of 150 individual-entry permit hopefuls. The government should take a look back to the chief secretary-led direction-finding committee for not making an announcement of any population policy reviews, leaving this population policy to fail to keep up to the current state. Interpretation of the Basic Law The government needs to note that the local population could increase by about 90,000 every year (with 40,000 of these children born of nonlocal parents). It should be worried the situation might be out of control and therefore need to seek for an interpretation of the applicable Basic Law provisions on residence rights of such category of children. Conversely, the Special Administrative Region (SAR Government) lacks continuing plans in its allocation and governance of finances, resulting in makeshift policies (Siu and Ku, 2008). Citizens believe the final way

Friday, November 1, 2019

What is linguistic incompetence What communication and language Essay

What is linguistic incompetence What communication and language challenges do deaf inmates face in prison What is a CDI and what role do they play in the court - Essay Example This has a minimal impact to native speakers of given language (Duranti, 2008, p. 31).L 8-14. There are several problems facing the deaf inmates in most prisons. The major one is a communication challenge. Deafness is a state of inability to hear and a disability on the side of verbal information. Most deaf people do not use English as a native language and probably have neither language nor information as many of them use ASL. This ASL language is not easy to be of use in court terminologies as it involves purely sign language (Andrews J. F., 2012, p. 3) L 1-4. When deaf people face culmination on the side of criminal justice, they face a deep nightmare. In prison, they are usually, send into the world with difficulty understand the language of both the fellow inmates and prison officers. When individuals who are not able to conceptualize a spoken word respond, they jumble funny sounds to communicate. This sends a bad signal to jailers resulting to ill information. In most cases, this has resulted to false confessions and injustices, as there is the lack of proper expressive way to interrogate the deaf defendant and probably who have no better understanding of they are rights in both court and prisons (Andrews J. F., 2012, p. 9) L22-26. The sign language of deaf people consists of cued speech, hand spellings, and mime and other physical mannerism. In most of the jails and prisons, there are very few trained interpreters of this information. Most crisis and prison pitfalls leave most of the deaf inmates with little information resources in the absence of fellow deaf inmates. In most cases, the inmates and officers might misinterpret the inability of deaf people to follow orders as a sign of impudence and this earns them to inappropriate punishments (Andrews, 2011, p. 48) L18-25. This deaf inmate does not even understand the reason for the punishment hence the torment continues with great suffering to the poor deaf inmate. The