Sunday, November 3, 2019

The right of abode in Hong Kong Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The right of abode in Hong Kong - Essay Example The government ought to review the population policies, with picky references to mainland mothers birthing in Hong Kong city. Many lawmakers would say that these babies born here not only strain obstetric services for local parents, but also put pressures on healthcare, education, welfare, and housing services in the city. The government should consider responding that the question of children born of parents of both non-Hong Kong lasting residents can be viewed positively as they may turn into new blood of the aging population. The government should review the population policies suiting for long-term growth. The government should question if children mothered by nonlocal parents could actually relieve the aging population question. Again the Hong Kong SAR government should strive for the authorities to vet the daily ration of 150 individual-entry permit hopefuls. The government should take a look back to the chief secretary-led direction-finding committee for not making an announcement of any population policy reviews, leaving this population policy to fail to keep up to the current state. Interpretation of the Basic Law The government needs to note that the local population could increase by about 90,000 every year (with 40,000 of these children born of nonlocal parents). It should be worried the situation might be out of control and therefore need to seek for an interpretation of the applicable Basic Law provisions on residence rights of such category of children. Conversely, the Special Administrative Region (SAR Government) lacks continuing plans in its allocation and governance of finances, resulting in makeshift policies (Siu and Ku, 2008). Citizens believe the final way

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