Friday, November 1, 2019

What is linguistic incompetence What communication and language Essay

What is linguistic incompetence What communication and language challenges do deaf inmates face in prison What is a CDI and what role do they play in the court - Essay Example This has a minimal impact to native speakers of given language (Duranti, 2008, p. 31).L 8-14. There are several problems facing the deaf inmates in most prisons. The major one is a communication challenge. Deafness is a state of inability to hear and a disability on the side of verbal information. Most deaf people do not use English as a native language and probably have neither language nor information as many of them use ASL. This ASL language is not easy to be of use in court terminologies as it involves purely sign language (Andrews J. F., 2012, p. 3) L 1-4. When deaf people face culmination on the side of criminal justice, they face a deep nightmare. In prison, they are usually, send into the world with difficulty understand the language of both the fellow inmates and prison officers. When individuals who are not able to conceptualize a spoken word respond, they jumble funny sounds to communicate. This sends a bad signal to jailers resulting to ill information. In most cases, this has resulted to false confessions and injustices, as there is the lack of proper expressive way to interrogate the deaf defendant and probably who have no better understanding of they are rights in both court and prisons (Andrews J. F., 2012, p. 9) L22-26. The sign language of deaf people consists of cued speech, hand spellings, and mime and other physical mannerism. In most of the jails and prisons, there are very few trained interpreters of this information. Most crisis and prison pitfalls leave most of the deaf inmates with little information resources in the absence of fellow deaf inmates. In most cases, the inmates and officers might misinterpret the inability of deaf people to follow orders as a sign of impudence and this earns them to inappropriate punishments (Andrews, 2011, p. 48) L18-25. This deaf inmate does not even understand the reason for the punishment hence the torment continues with great suffering to the poor deaf inmate. The

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